A Belated Introduction to Yours Truly, Natalie Eberhard

October 18, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

So I guess it's time I introduced the photographer here. My name is Natalie Eberhard. I'm a wife and mother, a student who is just two months from earning a Bachelor's Degree and the only person who works at Natalie Eberhard Photography. If someone told me five years ago that I would have a photography studio on the square in Nevada, Missouri... I may have said, "Well you never know, but I doubt it!" I do know that planning my future has always failed, but going after what I really want never has. I've been a graphic designer since before graduating high school. I find deep satisfaction in creating art. When I began taking photography classes in college, I found out that creating art through photography was really, REALLY fun for me so that's the dream that I began chasing, with a starved-tiger-like voracity. And now as I sit in my studio on the square in Nevada, I am deeply satisfied with my blooming gallery and the new people I meet and speak with daily.

I'm not the most extroverted person you'll meet, but I am ambitious.  I don't know how many years I spent just wishing I could find the courage to make that leap from my cliff of solitude. Only a few years ago, I learned that forcing myself to get outside of my comfort zone was the only way I would really survive owning my own business. That's something I still have to work at, every day and somehow as the years click by one day at a time, I actually have grown out of most of my social anxiety, which is a huge blessing.

Blogging was actually one of the first ways in which I started exposing myself to communicating with others and putting myself out there to deal with my social anxiety. It was college assignment for basics of web development. I found it very helpful to hear the comments of people who were actually responding to what I put out there. It made me think, "Hey, maybe I'm not an unlovable freak". I don't even know where I got that notion in the first place... but I sure had to deal with it. 

Now I blog because it helps let people know who I am and connect with me on a level deeper than just the photos I take. I want people to know how much I really care about the photos that I make and how each one is connected to me, just like a painting. I want people to see the creative visions that I have and I want people who care about the same things to reach out to me and work with me to make them happen!

I've been a busy busy lady since I moved to my new studio on the square. It's a narrow, somewhat awkward space, but I'm so glad to be here and I have a vision for it that is slowly coming together. I've been working on making an art gallery in the front with my favorite photos. Soon I'll have my photos on floating shelves lining the wall. I'm replacing the ugly fluorescent lights with track lighting to compliment the art on the walls. I also have a great window in front that I use for natural light for taking baby photos. And I just started doing in-person sales for my photo sessions which again, is taking me outside my comfort zone with people. But I'm proud to say, that too is going better than I imagined. 

So I think I've gone on long enough about myself. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed getting to know me better. By opening myself up to you, I hope you will do the same with me! I would love to hear from someone who want to comment on my work or has a challenge for me!

With Love,

Natalie Eberhard


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